The Smile Finders Advantage
Smile Finders builds confidence, one smile at a time.
Smile Finders collaborates with employer groups to bring bi-lingual health education and wellness events live to employees. The friendly educational platform that Smile Finders brings on site is inviting, and employees attend our health and dental educational events. We provide quality take home products for the workforce, and bi-lingual educational material.
By sharing facts and information from trusted government authorities with the workforce, our mission is to impact the health of the entire family. Employees will share the information with their family, which is provided free of charge to our client companies.
Smile Finders is an industry leading educational platform for educating people on medical conditions, their medications and their impact on dental health. A dental patient with compromised oral hygiene or tooth decay could amplify medical problems and may reduce the effectiveness of medication prescribed by their doctor.
Through time and experience, Smile Finders has earned the trust and confidence of thousands. We have referred tens of thousands of patients seeking additional information and treatments. Our referral network is 100,000 people strong, all people similarly caring to their health, and dedicating themselves to the health of those they care for, family and friends.
Smile Finders is the only active California State Board licensed referral service in our space. Since 2000, our passion is to bring awareness to health topics in a safe an approachable manner. Call our event scheduling team to reserve your health education topics of interest. Our client specialist will customize the 2022 calendar for your staff depending upon their demographics. Being a part of the Smile Finder's network has benefits to the entire family.
Smile Finders is a California Dental Board Approved Dental Referral service that is dedicated to promote dental health and oral hygiene by educating people on the importance of preventative dental health care. Smile Finders works very closely with select dental professionals that conform to our high standards of quality dentistry and superior access and service for patients. Our selected dental providers have agreed to keep costs low and quality high to bring you high value care.
You will be referred to one of our Network Dentists who are providers for virtually every dental insurance program, including participation in traditional indemnity insurance plans and Managed Care Programs. In addition, we have select locations that participate in the state funded Denti-Cal network. You can view our locations page for a listing of participating locations in Greater Los Angeles, North Orange County and the Inland Empire.